Deep tissue massage therapy perfectly complements strength training

Have you ever started a new exercise routine and felt sore in the same place all the time? How has this kept you from progressing and getting the most out of your weight training? Chronic myositis is caused by a combination of lactic acid buildup and muscular imbalance. Deep tissue massage therapy is a great solution.

Whenever I go to the gym to exercise, I see a lot of people who need a good massage. There are many body types presenting with many different conditions. I see large men who need massages because their muscles are too tense (chronically spasm), and, in contrast, women over 40 who have not exercised habitually throughout life, and therefore have large back muscles and weak core muscles, causing lower back or chest pain. I notice that many people who work with personal trainers need deep tissue massage therapy to help them balance certain muscle groups, which helps them get more out of their training.

Lactic acid buildup is the muscle soreness you feel when you start a new weight-training routine or do something strenuous you don’t normally do, like kayaking or sprinting. This is the kind of agonizing feeling we all go through, and it actually makes you feel like you I did nothing. Lactic acid buildup is common, harmless, and goes away quickly. Treats easily with Tiger, Ice and Stretch Balm. Deep tissue massage therapy helps relieve lactic acid pain more quickly, too.

In terms of strength training, I want to talk about the other part of the pain mix—muscle imbalances. It’s not what makes you feel like you did something, but the feeling that you did did something wrong. This is the painful, tight feeling you get between your shoulder blades when doing rows, for example. Most people experience this feeling of muscle cramping at some point in their strength-training routine, and it keeps them from progressing because it’s not a common lactic acid ache, but a serious muscle imbalance that can lead to injury. balancing muscle groups increases strength and flexibility; For example, the pectoral muscles are usually short and overextended which leads to lengthening of the shoulder causing neck and upper back pain.

Deep tissue massage helps balance the muscular system so the body can function optimally. Nobody is quite the same. We all have our areas in which one muscle group is elongated, and another is shortened. For example, look in a mirror and notice if one shoulder hangs lower than the other or look at yourself to the side and notice if your shoulders sit in front of the coronal plane of the body. Imbalances are very common in the lower body as well. Lie on your back and see if one foot splays more naturally than the other. In addition, one leg is usually slightly shorter than the other.

There is nothing wrong with this and it is completely normal, but when left alone it is not optimal to advance your strength training routine. Deep tissue massage therapy will help balance muscle groups by releasing chronically tight and tight muscles and getting to the root of the imbalance. Many co-factors cause muscle imbalances. For example, repetitive motions at work, poor postural habits, scoliosis, old injuries, and patterns of emotional fixation. A good massage therapist will be able to identify areas of imbalance, release hypertonic muscles, and balance the entire group (both agonist and antagonist).

A good way to get strong is to lift weights to work both agonist and antagonist muscle groups in a specific area. Let’s use the chest (chest) set and the latissimus back set as an example. While doing lat pulldowns, some people may feel a cramp as if one side of the lats is shorter than the other, like the left side goes down before the right side and is tighter. This may cause the left side of the latissimus dorsi to shorten, and may cause the torso to bend slightly to the left, with the right thorax and anterior deltoid shortening. This can cause pain that prevents a person from doing this exercise, although it is fine under normal circumstances.

One effective treatment is for that client to lie on their right side, and for the massage therapist to stretch the left back and front back line. The therapist should also release tight muscle ligaments in the deltoid and rotator cuff, as well as under the shoulder blade. Then, with the client lying down, the massage therapist works to release the taut chest and right-side anterior deltoids. In this example, the SCM and trapezius will also need attention because the entire shoulder girdle and neck will be affected and need rest.

Deep tissue massage therapy also moisturizes the tissues, increases blood flow, and makes the fascia more open and supple, which increases the muscle’s ability to grow. All of this makes people stronger faster, makes you feel more energetic, and look great. It can help you become more flexible and aware of how your body balances. It’s important to get a good deep tissue massage on your rest days so you can feel the benefits and realize that deep tissue massage is vital to your strength training, health, and wellness routine.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to fix muscular imbalances on your own. If you exercise regularly and hit a plateau, experience pain often, or experience muscle spasms frequently, please contact a licensed massage therapist who specializes in deep tissue massage therapy to assist you.

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